Finding My Soul on All Soul’s Eve

Once I thought that having meant

I must have thought so.

I had a lot of things.
I had a lot
of things
and I was happy.

Today, I have less.

Less people
they die
they separate
they hide away, as I have done.
Less money
but in truth, always enough
it was always so.
Less things
less things that I treasure.
I’m giving things no longer treasured
to those needy for treasures.

I have less.

But I AM more.

And I am happy.
I am blissful.

“It is not having that creates happiness.
It is BEING.”
“What is being?” he asked.
“Ah!” she said.
“That is the question.”

That is the only question.
And then she turned and gazed out her window
upon the sky
breathing deeply
and contemplating
as Hawk circled overhead.

A Small Stone written for Mindful Writing Day 2012
with Fiona Robyn. Over 1000 people are participating.
For more information on Mindful Writing and this day of
writing small stones, see Fiona’s Facebook page or her
website, Writing Our Way Home.


About Sharon

Like anyone who lives long enough, I have experienced great loss and survived. I am convinced that my survival depends on my own participation in creating the reality I am living in, and I am determined to be a thoughtful and active participant/creator. These writings are my way of documenting that creation. As the song goes, "I will survive!" I chose the title Staying Vertical because I find that surviving isn't just staying on my feet physically. Keeping my thoughts and emotions on the vertical plane keeps me alive and moving forward. Thanks for joining me!
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6 Responses to Finding My Soul on All Soul’s Eve

  1. This is really lovely, Sharon. You do such a wonderful job with your poetry. When is the book coming out? ;->

  2. Arla says:

    Yes! So beautifully stated.

    It’s good to find kindred souls to share the journey – ever the more wonderful when they’re kin in the other sense, as well. Bravo, Cousin!

  3. wonderful post, thank you.

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