Message from Crow on Election Eve 2012









Lighting the incense

Preparing the lamps

Honoring ancestors

Asking forgiveness

Asking for blessing

Begging forgiveness

Begging for healing

Asking a blessing for our Nation

More purification

Contemplation in solitude

Listening for the still small voice.

I made this day a sacred day.
I tuned out the noise
And listened to the music that moves my spirit vertical

Purifying the temple of my home
Its most inner sanctums
Purifying the temple of my heart
Casting out and cutting off
the toxins and impurities
that have seeped out of the
darkest corners of hell
and onto a world stage
where the light is less kind
and their ugliness can be seen
by those who have eyes to see.

Begging for healing.

—  Create in me a pure heart —

—  Make me an instrument of your peace —

Seeking knowledge,  wisdom, vision
Seeking answers

has not brought me peace.
will not bring me peace.

Begging forgiveness for my folly
for my hubris.

Acknowledging my boundless blessings

Here I am.

About Sharon

Like anyone who lives long enough, I have experienced great loss and survived. I am convinced that my survival depends on my own participation in creating the reality I am living in, and I am determined to be a thoughtful and active participant/creator. These writings are my way of documenting that creation. As the song goes, "I will survive!" I chose the title Staying Vertical because I find that surviving isn't just staying on my feet physically. Keeping my thoughts and emotions on the vertical plane keeps me alive and moving forward. Thanks for joining me!
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2 Responses to Message from Crow on Election Eve 2012

  1. Vali says:

    thank you sweet angel

  2. This is beautiful, Sharon. It’s a good day. ;->

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