Today I presented my second speech for my local Toastmasters Group. The title of the speech was Trailer Trash: Lessons Learned While Camping. Essentially it boils down to two rules: Planning is Critical and Sometimes It Won’t Matter. At the end of the speech, I summarized with the following. I hope you’ll find that it is not trash, but instead a little treasure you can tuck away.
Setting up camp becomes routine
Breaking down must be the same.
Doing either at night or in bad weather
Is no way to go, so choose the other.
Most things can be fixed with just the right part,
But some things just can’t, especially a heart.
Most people are loving, a lot are just scared.
I’ll never forget the ones who have cared.
The very last lesson was the sweetest for me:
It’s OK to stay another day, two, or three.
Take time for the camping; take time to BE.
Yay! These little short bursts are some of my favorites. Just “being” is something I advocate. Or standing still.
Thanks for this. Enjoyed.