As I may have mentioned, I was nominated for the Sunshine Award by my friend, Sherry. What I learned in researching it is that it is an award bestowed upon bloggers by other bloggers and recognizes blogs that inspire other bloggers and people who read blogs. So thank you, Sherry. I humbly accept. Thank you for thinking of me, and for the very nice things you said. Old friends are the best!
Of course there are rules. This is where I rebel. I’m just going to accept the nomination and the compliment and skip the part about my favorite color and alcoholic beverage, etc., and submitting my ten nominees for the award (which would be the links you see on the right under Blogroll).
As I read the rules, however, this negates my nomination — so, I apologize in advance to the folks I didn’t nominate. You still inspire me. Every one of you.