I’d like to take you back to yesterday, and a chore that I volunteered for, that of pressuring washing the Bobcat tracks off the driveway. First of all, is it me, or is “Bobcat tracks” kind of cute? Maybe it just sounds cute in my head… with the other voices. (rat-ta-tat)
But the thing of it is, how could pressure washing the driveway and sidewalk on the first real Spring day in Colorado, with birds singing, flowers budding and wind-chime deeply toning, possibly be considered anything but a gift.
And then, today, I HAD to go out with my son in his little red Audi, with the top down, on another spectacular day. There were errands to run, but we took back roads so he could run through all six gears. The Meadowlarks are so eager to make new life you could hear them while going 50! One of the errands was to pick up a little MG he had stored until he found a buyer, and bring it home. This meant I got to drive the Audi the 10 miles home, over country roads, mostly — and facing the snow-capped Rockies most of the way — and got to take it through all six gears…
Every day, a gift. A gift everyday.